The rules of research
There are no comments on this post.Here are the rules of research. Feel free to add your own.
- If it seems obvious, it's probably false as stated.
- If it seems obvious and true, it's probably false without additional hypotheses.
- If you think that you wrote a proof, you probably missed something obvious. See (1) and/or (2).
- You missed something obvious, see (1).
- When you go to see your advisor, suddenly all your thoughts align, and you find the solution.
- Two hours after finally talking with your advisor, you realize that your solution is obvious, therefore (1) or (2) apply.
- If you use forcing to prove the argument, then you probably missed some object being encoded generically.
- If you use forcing, and you didn't miss some crucial object, then you missed some other crucial object not being coded by the generic.
- When the truth is found to be lies, and all the joy within you dies...
- It's not false if you can force it.
- It's not true if you used the axiom of choice more than three times in the proof.
- It's not cheating if you asked a visitor to the university whose visit did not span longer than two weeks from the moment you asked them.
- If your question was about inner models, you may extend the above timespan to a month. Equally, if the question is about the axiom of choice, it should be shortened to a week.
- It's not considered unethical to make sacrifice in order to appease Mayan and Aztec gods. Just in case we got it wrong, and they're in charge of the mathematical universe.
- If it still seems obvious, you're probably right. It's still false, though.
- If you need six technical lemmas, whose proof is reduced to a single line (or just one lemma with an actual proof), then it's probably obvious. Unfortunately, see (1) and (2).
- If by some chance something is obvious, but you wrote out the proof, and it checks out, then it wasn't obvious at all.
- Remember what the dormouse said: feed your head.
- If you haven't watched Futurama in a while, then you're doing something wrong.
- Whatever happens, it's the other guy's fault. Also, see (1).
- I just work here, you know? I don't.
- Rolling a D20 die to determine the truth value of a statement is the original algorithm behind proof verification software.
- When you hit the wall, and you're about to give up and decide that whatever you're trying to prove is false, see (4).
- The only proofs that write themselves are obvious proofs. If your proof is obvious, see (2) and (3).
- To be honest, it needs more cowbell.
- Seriously, you're gonna want that cowbell in your proof.
- See (1), (2) and (4).
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