My name is Asaf Karagila. This is my homepage.
I am currently a Univeristy Academic Fellow at the University of Leeds, working in set theory on topics related to large cardinals and the axiom of choice, I currently hold a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship. Here is a short CV:
- (2007–2012) B.Sc. and M.Sc. in mathematics from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, my advisor was Uri Abraham.
- (2012–2017) Ph.D. in mathematics from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, my advisor was Menachem Magidor.
- (2017–2018) Postdoctoral project assistant at Technische Universität Wien, supervised by Martin Goldstern.
- (2018–2020) Newton International Fellow at the University of East Anglia, hosted by David Asperó.
- (2020–2022) UKRI Future Leaders Fellow at the University of East Anglia.
- (2022-) University Academic Fellow at the University of Leeds.
My research focus was primarily the axiom of choice, and I spent a considerable amount of time developing new techniques for proving consistency results in choiceless settings. I am currently interested in forcing axioms analogues for large cardinals, and the implications of those on generalized Baire spaces, combinatorics, and so on. Besides that, I am also quite interested in foundations of mathematics, and the relationship between the various modern foundations.
If you want to collaborate with me, or ask me some questions about my work or related topics, then by all means, send me an email!
On the internet you can find me on MathOverflow.net and Math.StackExchange.com, and I'm on Twitter. You probably cannot find me elsewhere nowadays (with the exception of scraper websites), and if you happen to see me on a social network website, that is definitely not me, and please let me know. (You'd think that I wouldn't have to say that, but that sort of thing happened before.)
To reach me you can send me an email to the following address:
It should be obvious, but if you came here to find my email so I can help you with some general mathematics question, please make sure that your question is about set theory. Any and all questions about StackExchange, or unrelated mathematical topics will be promptly ignored.
My orcid id is 0000-0003-1289-0904 and I also have an arXiv homepage, you can also find my theses, papers and some notes on the papers page.