In here you can find the things that I have written.
(The papers are listed in reversed ordered of writing, the year reflects the completion date and not final publication date.)
- (2024) Intermediate models and Kinna–Wagner Principles
w/ J. Schilhan. Submitted MathSciNetarXivJournal - (2024) Critical embeddings
w/ J. Yuan. Submitted.MathSciNetarXivJournal - (2024) The first measurable can be the first inaccessible cardinal
w/ Y. Hayut and M. Gitik. To appear in Israel J. Math. MathSciNetarXivJournal - (2023) Which Pairs of Cardinals Can Be Hartogs and Lindenbaum Numbers of a Set?
w/ C. Ryan-Smith. Fund. Math. 267 (2024), no. 3, 231–241. MathSciNetarXivJournal - (2023) Hilbert Spaces Without Countable AC
w/ B. Blackadar and I. Farah. To appear in Münster J. Math. MathSciNetarXivJournal - (2022) Geometric condition for Dependent Choice
w/ J. Schilhan. Acta Math. Hungar. 172 (2024), no. 1, 34–41. MathSciNetarXivJournal - (2022) Small measurable cardinals
w/ Y. Hayut. Submitted. MathSciNetarXivJournal - (2021) Sequential and distributive forcings without choice
w/ J. Schilhan. Canad. Math. Bull. 66 (2023) no. 3, pp, 868–880. MathSciNetarXivJournal - (2021) Choiceless Chain Conditions
w/ N. Schweber. Eur. J. Math. 8, 393–410 (2022). MathSciNetarXivJournal - (2020) Approaching a Bristol model
Submitted. MathSciNetarXivJournal - (2019) The \(\kappa\)-Strongly Proper Forcing Axiom.
w/ D. Asperó, S. Cox, and C. Weiss. Submitted. MathSciNetarXivJournal - (2019) Iterated failures of choice.
Submitted. MathSciNetarXivJournal - (2019) How to have more things by forgetting how to count them.
w/ P. Schlicht. Proc. A. 476 (2020), no. 2239, 782–793. MathSciNetarXivJournal - (2019) Realizing realizability results with classical constructions.
Bull. Symb. Log. 25 (2019) no. 4, 429–445. MathSciNetarXivJournal - (2019) Kelley-Morse set theory does not prove the class Fodor principle.
w/ V. Gitman and J.D. Hamkins. Fund. Math. 254 (2021), 133-154. MathSciNetarXivJournal - (2018) The Morris model.
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 148 (2020) 1311–1323. MathSciNetarXivJournal - (2018) Preserving Dependent Choice.
Bulletin Polish Acad. Sci. Math. 67 (2019), 19-29. MathSciNetarXivJournal - (2018) Dependent Choice, Properness, and Generic Absoluteness.
w/ D. Asperó. Rev. Symb. Log. 14 (2021) no. 1, 225–249. MathSciNetarXivJournal - (2018) Critical Cardinals.
w/ Y. Hayut. Israel J. Math. 236 (2020) no. 1, 449–472. MathSciNetarXivJournal - (2017) Spectra of uniformity.
w/ Y. Hayut. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 60,2 (2019) 287–300. MathSciNetarXivJournal - (2017) The Bristol model: an abyss called a Cohen real.
J. Math. Log. 18 (2018) no. 2, 1850008, 37 pp. MathSciNetarXivJournal - (2016) Fodor's lemma can fail everywhere.
Acta Math. Hungar. (2018) 154:231. MathSciNetarXivJournal - (2016) Iterating Symmetric Extensions.
J. Symb. Log. 84 (2019) no. 1, pp. 123–159. MathSciNetarXivJournal - (2015) Restrictions on Forcings That Change Cofinalities.
w/ Y. Hayut. Arch. Math. Logic 55 (2016), 373–384. MathSciNetarXivJournal - (2012) Embedding Orders Into The Cardinals With \(\DC_\kappa\).
Fund. Math. 226 (2014), 143–156. MathSciNetarXivJournal
Lecture notes:
- (2023) Forcing & Symmetric Extensions,
Course I taught at Leeds during the entire year of 2022–2023. - (2017) Axiomatic Set Theory,
Course I taught at HUJI during the autumn of 2016–2017. - (2016) Functional Analysis,
Course taught by Prof. Matania Ben-Artzi at HUJI during the autumn of 2015–2016.
Other notes:
- (2020) Guide to the Bristol model: Gazing into the Abyss, to appear in RIMS Kokyuroku. (This is a previous version of Approaching a Bristol model.) arXiv link.
- (2019) Notes from MEHIFOX 2019. arXiv link. (See also this and this.)
- (2016) Zornian Functional Analysis or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Axiom of Choice. arXiv link.
- (2016) The Five WH's of Set Theory.
- (2014) Downward Löwenheim-Skolem Theorems and Choice Principles.
- (2014) Absolutely Choiceless Proofs. arXiv link.
- (2012) The Axiom of Choice and Self-Duality of Vector Spaces.
- (2017) Ph.D. Thesis: Iterations of Symmetric Extensions. Written under the supervision of Prof. Menachem Magidor at the Hebrew University of Jersualem. (The dissertation is "Iterating Symmetric Extensions", "Fodor's lemma can fail everywhere", and "The Bristol model" papers, in preprint versions, with a short introduction that sums up all of them.)
- (2012) M.Sc. Thesis: Vector Spaces and Antichains of Cardinals in Models of Set Theory. Written under the supervision of Prof. Uri Abraham at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. (Last updated: February 11th, 2013).