Asaf Karagila
I don't have much choice...

Posts tagged conferences

Conferences: unsolicited advice

Well, that was quite the week!

As the last few posts had possibly clued you in, we hosted a conference in Leeds this past week. We had around 50 participants, including the speakers and poster presentations. I am very grateful for everyone who came here, those that spoke and did such a wonderful job, the posters that were so fascinating, and the audience that asked questions. I'm really grateful to Philipp Schilcht for his wonderful tutorial, filled with interesting open problems, and very cool results.

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120 Years of Choice: Final call for registration!

Continuing from last two posts, this is a final reminder to register to 120 Years of Choice. Registration ends next week on the 20th of June.

We are very excited about the speakers and the poster presentations! The titles and abstracts are now available through our website (a few are TBD, but should be filled in soon enough).

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120 Years of Choice: Registration is open

Continuing from the previous post, we have a website for the conference now, and you can now register for the conference.

We are planning to have two poster sessions, and we might be able to offer some financial support for people who are presenting posters. We will prioritise early career researchers, and given the budget limitations we might not accept all poster submissions.

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120 Years of Choice: First Announcement

We are happy to make the initial announcement for the "120 Years of Choice" conference that will take place in Leeds between the 8th and 12th of July, 2024!

We will have a proper website, poster, and the whole shebang soon enough. But in the meantime, here is the list of confirmed speakers, in no particular order, for you to enjoy!

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Prikry Forcing Online

My new postdoc, Jiachen Yuan, suggested it will be a good idea to have a one-day workshop on Prikry forcing. And I agreed, so we're doing this. You can find more details on the website right here. Here are the highlights:

  1. We'll do this online on December 14th;
  2. there are four invited speakers: Alejandro Poveda (HUJI), Tom Benhamou (TAU), Sittinon Jirattikansakul (CMU), and Chris Lambie-Hanson (VCU);
  3. there are two sessions of mini-talks (10 minutes each), open for any early career researcher wanting to give a quick overview or present a very short proof on any set theoretic topic.
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Methods in Higher Forcing Axioms: The inevitable conclusion

The meeting in Norwich is over. Here are my thoughts.

It felt haphazard, without a concrete plan. And that was great. In the first day, Tadatoshi Miyamoto and David (Asperó) presented two problems in the morning and in the early afternoon. We then had a discussion about them, and it was just a general discussion, that went very well.

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Methods in Higher Forcing Axioms

Methods in Higher Forcing Axioms (or MEHIFOX, for short) is an experimental workshop hosted in Norwich by David Asperó and myself. You can find the website, right here. This workshop is sponsored by the London Mathematical Society, and the School of Mathematics in UEA.

The idea is to have a workshop, where we actually work. This is contrary to the normal use of "workshop" (in set theory, at least, but I believe in most mathematical areas) which means a very small conference where almost all the participants are also speaking.

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Five Star Theorems

Talks. Giving talks. We usually don't give talks about past research. Talks are meant to present recent research, things you've just finished, that you're finishing right now, that you've found out!

So often times, it seems, it is very tempting to talk about theorems that you haven't finished writing their proofs in full. Usaully, we put "work in progress" to indicate that this is something not fully verified, not fully vetted (at the very least by ourselves).

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Strong coloring

I am sitting in the 6th European Set Theory Conference in Budapest, and watching all these wonderful talks, and many of them use colors for emphasis of some things. But yesterday one of the talks was using "too many colors", enough to make me make a comment at the end of the talk after all the questions were answered. Since I received some positive feedback from other people here, I decided to write about it on my blog, if only to raise some awareness of the topic.

There is a nontrivial percentage of the population which have some sort of color vision deficiency. Myself included. Statistically, I believe, if you have 20 male participants, then one of them is likely to have some sort of color vision issues. Add this to the fairly imperfect color fidelity of most projectors, and you get something that can be problematic.

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MM70: YouTube links!

During the first day of the conference we realized that it might be a good idea to get the lectured videoed, so we quickly set up the videos for the second and third day. With the exception of one speaker who asked not to be videoed, you can find all the lectures from the second and third day of the conference in this YouTube Playlist.


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MM70: Registration is now open!

I am happy to announce, on behalf of the organizing committee, that the registration for Menachem Magidor's 70th Birthday Conference is now open!

MM70 Poster

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